About Us

What is Bellies & Babees?

Bellies & Babees is a prenatal care coordination (PNCC) program for Milwaukee County residents. Our focus is providing materials and resources to encourage positive familial relationships.

What is Prenatal Care Coordination/Child Care Coordination?

Prenatal Care Coordination/Child Care Coordination is a Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus benefit that helps pregnant women/mothers with a child under 6 months get support and services they need to have a healthy baby.

When and why did Bellies & Babees start?

Bellies & Babees opened in January 2021 after our directors Melinda and Nichole saw the need for resources and advocacy for families within Milwaukee County. They both were Care Coordinators for other agencies and decided to start Bellies and Babees to ensure all families were being serviced.

What are the requirements for being a client?

Participants must be living in Milwaukee County, have state insurance, and either be pregnant or have an infant under 8 weeks old. Families who have participated and enrolled in another prenatal care agency are eligible to join our program up until the child is seven years old.

How do I become a client?

If you’re interested in joining our program, please call our office at 414-539-6492 or send an email to info@belliesandbabees.org.